How to Start a Travel Blog — A Quick Start Guide

Hyder Karim

Table of Contents


Have you ever heard the saying, “Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer”? Well, buckle up because we are making that richness come true for you. Whether you’ve got a stash of travel diaries or just someone who daydreams about far-off lands, there’s a treat in store for you – and it’s not just any treat; it’s a ticket to a well-paying job that lets you roam freely.

What’s the Plan?

We’re talking about travel blogging! Imagine going to stunning places, sharing your stories, helping others plan trips, and making money. It might sound too good, but it’s real.

Caution: The travel blogging niche is a competitive market. With countless travel blogs, you need a blog that shines like a shooting star in the night sky. And that’s where we can help.

In this article, we’re taking a deep plunge into the world of travel blogging. From scanning out fantastic travel blogs to creating your own, we’ve covered every step with easy tips and tricks.

Ready to take off? Jet, set go!

Take in → How to start a website.

What is a Travel Blog?

What springs to mind when you hear the term “travel blogs”?

Well, a travel blog is more than just this.  It is an informative, engaging, and globetrotting website where travel enthusiasts spill all the deets about their exciting journeys, places they’ve been, travel tips, and all things adventure.

The idea? To share experiences and make travel planning enjoyable and a breeze for others.

Are Travel Blogs Different from Other Blogs?

A travel blog differs from a regular blog, the jack-of-all-trades in the blogging world where people write about their lifestyle, tech stuff, food, or whatever they’re into. No specific theme, just a bit of everything. On the other hand, a travel blog is like a dedicated explorer’s journal, focused solely on thrilling travel tales, helpful tips, and must-visit recommendations for specific destinations, hotels, activities, and cultural gems.

But here’s the twist: It’s not just about sharing stories; it’s a business opportunity, too. Over the past five years, we’ve been helping bloggers turn their passion into profit. The feedback we’ve received tells us that blogging not only brings joy but also, in reality, fills your pockets. So, if you dream of turning your blog into the next big thing with a loyal following, we’re just an email away!

Comprehend → Is blogging worth it?

The 2 Facets of a Travel Blog!

Let’s talk about the duo of travel blogs – the travel buffs and the dream weavers. Starting a travel blog for business is the way for both of them. How?

Travel Buffs

The first side is for those who always have their bags packed and are ready to haunt the places of the world. They can turn this love around by creating an exciting blog. By sharing all the details of their trips, from where they stay to the delicious food they try and the beautiful views they encounter, they can let people experience the world’s beauty through their blogs.

The Dream Weavers

Now, for those who dream of traveling but can’t always fly to new destinations, don’t worry! The second type of travel blogging is perfect for them. Even on a low budget, they can start a profitable blog. By writing about different places, sharing budget-friendly travel tips, creating educational content, and telling their stories with words and pictures, their blog can become a fantastic guide, letting people explore hidden gem places through their imagination.

Whatever category you fall into, remember the words of Confucius: “It doesn’t matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.” Hence, ensure that every word you write and every vision you post advances the mesmerizing portrayal of your travel blog.

We know what you might be thinking: are people really interested in reading blogs? Get your answers here.

What is Included in Travel Blogging?

So, you’ve caught the wanderlust bug and want to dive into the world of travel blogging. But where do you start, and what exactly should your blog feature? Let’s break it down into the must-haves that can make your travel blog stand out.

Your Blog’s Introduction

Begin with an engaging “About Page.” This is where readers and search engines learn about you. Share your travel passion and expertise, setting the tone for trust and connection.

Personal Storytelling

Where you can hook your audience with Trip Recaps. These personal narratives, filled with stories and original images, create an immediate connection, drawing readers into your travel adventures.

Guiding Travel Plans

Guide your readers with Itineraries. Structured guides that focus on a destination’s essentials help readers plan efficiently. Share insights into activities and dining options, catering to diverse travel preferences.

Practical Advice

Sharing practical tips in the form of listicles. Such as addressing common questions about destinations and providing valuable advice for a seamless travel experience. These tips can be destination-specific or universally applicable.

Packing Lists

While planning the trip, the primary essentials are clothing, footwear, toiletries, money, documents, and other miscellaneous items.

Personal Insights

Add a personal touch with Tour and Hotel Reviews. Share insights on accommodations, tours, and dining, contributing to affiliate marketing and adding authenticity to your blog.

Travel Gear Reviews

Showcase essential travel gear such as adapters, cameras, bag packs, headphones, and packing cubes with dedicated reviews, as this helps the audience make informed decisions before purchasing, ensuring they invest in products that align with their specific needs and preferences.

Videos and Images

Diversify content with videos and images. While not mandatory, videos on platforms like YouTube showcase your personality, rank high in searches, and engage a broader audience.

Budgeting Advice

Provide financial advice for aspiring travelers. Share practical budgeting tips, ensuring alignment with your blog’s audience for relevance and resonance.

Pick up → Will blogging remain profitable in the future?

Classification Into Categories

Now, let’s divide the elements in the travel blogging facets we just explored above.

For Travel BuffsFor Dream Weavers
Destination GuidesImaginative Destination Descriptions
Accommodation ReviewsBudget-Friendly Travel Tips
Food ExperiencesEducational Content
Travel ItinerariesVirtual Tours
Adventure and ActivitiesStorytelling with Words and Pictures
Photography and VisualsDIY Travel Projects
Travel Tips and HacksCollaborations and Interviews
Personal StoriesReader Engagement
Cultural InsightsInspirational Quotes and Musings
Sustainable TravelCommunity Building and Forums
Packing GuidesBook and Movie Recommendations
Transportation TipsTravel Challenges and Solutions
Local Markets and ShoppingReflections on Unfulfilled Travel Dreams
Language and Communication TipsTravel-themed Art and Creative Projects
Seasonal and Weather ConsiderationsFantasy Travel Stories

Are you feeling prepared? Perfect! Before we zoom into the details, let’s review the toolkit you need to establish for your travel blog’s successful liftoff.

What You Need to Be a Travel Blogger?

Who Is A Travel Blogger?

A travel blogger is a person who loves exploring new places and writing about their adventures. They share detailed stories about the people they meet, the unique things they discover, and the beauty of different destinations. Moreover, these bloggers turn their hobby of visiting new places into a profession by creating blogs that cover specialties, cultures, cuisines, and more. Through engaging stories, photos, and videos, they express their experiences, making it a virtual journey for their readers.

Now, in case you are wondering…

How Much Does a Travel Blogger Earn?

Well, it depends on your effort. On average, an established travel blogger pulls in $3,000-5,000 monthly (an average of 29.94 per hour), but some make even more. How? Through sponsored content, affiliate marketing, brand collaborations, utilizing social media platforms, and optimizing for search engine visibility to enhance their earnings. Seemingly complex? Not in the least. We’ll steer through these details in our steps section.

Suggested Reading → How much does it cost to start a blog?

Travel Bloggers Income Sheet

Here are some actual instances of travel bloggers and the income they generate.

Travel Bloggers Income Generation
Matt Kepes of Nomadic Matt$750,000/annually
Goats on the Road$100,000/annually
Johnny Ward$30,000 p/m
Dave and Deb of the Planet D$20,000 p/m
Earl of Wandering Earl$12000 p/m
Monica of the Travel Hack$10,000 p/m

The Requirements to Set up a Travel Blog

You must meet the essential requirements to succeed in this dynamic field.

The Foremost Pinnacle Key: To be a great travel blogger, you first need a big passion for traveling. This love will keep you excited and happy and drive your motivation, enthusiasm, and ability to create engaging content.

Read → What is the future of blogging?

How to Start a Travel Blog?

Starting your own travel blog? It’s a wild ride but oh-so rewarding. Let’s learn.

1 — Decide What You Want to Share

So, you’re diving into the travel blog world – excellent! First things first. Decide what you aim for, what you hope to achieve with your blog, and how it aligns with your passions. In short, take a moment to reflect on your motivations and goals to evaluate that big dream.

Perhaps you are a:

  • Storyteller who wants to share your travel tales,
  • Planning expert who can help people plan vacations,
  • An explorer, digging into local cultures on tasty food and traditions, 
  • A mix matcher combining work and travel, share your remote work secrets or
  • Your goal is to make some side bucks.

Whatever those unique objectives are, verifying your reasons, outlining the topics you want to cover, potential destinations, and your blog’s overall theme set the foundation for a successful travel blog and will shape how your blog feels. 

This is one of the first things we do with our clients. We don’t recommend creating articles just because there is a keyword opportunity; we recommend creating articles that help you share your unique perspective and experience while finding relevant keywords to help you gain traffic.

Guide note: Strike a balance that aligns with your personality and engages your audience. Remember, flexibility is vital, especially in the early stages.

2 — Pick a Niche

When creating a travel blog, the second big thing you need to do is pick a “niche.” A niche is like your blog’s particular theme – what makes it unique. We at HNK believe that “Niche Matters A Lot!” Your blog’s identity and personality hinge on this choice, and while numerous topics can be covered, the key lies in picking the right and profitable niche.

Why is Picking a Niche So Important? 

Well, the travel blog world is a prominent, busy place. Each blog has its little corner. Picking a specific niche gives your blog its spot, making it exciting and different. As a result, this helps you connect with people who love the same things you do, and they’re more likely to stick around and read your stuff.

How To Choose the Perfect Niche?

So, how do you choose your niche? It’s not as complicated as it sounds. Here are two simple ways:

  • Pick Something You Love: Choose a topic you enjoy and know much about. This keeps things interesting for you and makes your blog more genuine.
  • Find the Right Balance: Look for a niche where people want to read about it but with less competition where only a few others are writing about it. That way, your blog can make a difference without getting lost in a big crowd.

But here’s the kicker: You may have multiple interests or discover several niches with low competition. However, diving into too many can confuse what to write and where to begin, potentially causing you to miss your target audience.

Regardless of your chosen method, we recommend you don’t go overboard with too many niches at the start. It’s like trying to juggle too many balls, dropping them all, and starting by narrowing down to one specific passion initially. As your blog evolves, you can gradually incorporate additional topics. The simple and practical approach, no?

Types of Travel Blog Niches

Now, let’s explore the diverse niches available.

Niche TypesFocus
CityExplore and share insights about different cities.
Country-focusedDive deep into the unique experiences of specific countries.
Budget TravelProvide tips and tricks for exploring on a budget.
Luxury TravelShowcase exclusive and lavish travel experiences.
Solo TravelShare advice and stories for those who travel alone.
Family TravelCater to families with kid-friendly itineraries.
Adventure TravelExplore adrenaline-pumping and adventurous destinations.
LGBTQ+ Friendly TravelFocus on travel experiences for the LGBTQ+ community.
Senior TravelCater to the travel needs and interests of seniors.
Empty NestersAddress the travel desires of those with grown-up children.
Work TravelShare insights and tips for those traveling for work.
Foodie TravelDelve into culinary adventures around the world.
Road TrippingCover the joys and challenges of road trips.
Eco TravelHighlight environmentally conscious travel options.
Festival TravelExplore and guide readers through various festivals.

Note: These suggestions just provide a starting point. However, a wealth of diverse and exciting niches is waiting to be uncovered in travel blogging.

3 — Select your Blog Name

Time to think creatively yet sensibly. This step is about picking up a name for your travel blog. A well-chosen name establishes a positive first impression, helps with branding, and defines your blog’s identity in a competitive space.

The Impact Of a Blog Name

A blog’s name works more than a wonder. It is more than just an identity. A memorable and suitable name represents your content and niche and attracts readers by giving them a glimpse of what to expect.

How a Blog Name Creates a Difference

We all swear that the first impression is the last. That goes the same with the blog’s name. Let’s understand it this way. Think of a blog name like “Family Trails and Tots” as the first hello of a blog. Just hearing the name, you immediately sense it’s about family travel and experiences with little ones. Yes? That’s how a blog name makes a difference and gives your readers the first nostalgic glimpse of what they will encounter in the guide.

Tips for Choosing a Blog Name

Here are some best practices to follow while settling upon the selection.

  • Choose a short name that’s easy to remember.
  • Plump for a name that allows for future expansion or shifts in focus.
  • Don’t use dashes or numbers for easy sharing.
  • Play with words and ideas for a unique touch.
  • Pick a name that’s not used a lot to stand out.
  • Get feedback from friends or your audience on your ideas.
  • Think about the language and style that resonate with your intended audience.
  • Incorporate relevant keywords related to your niche.

Thinking of Some Attention-Grabbing Travel Blog Names?

Here you go!

  • GlobeTrotterTales
  • BlissfulBagPacker
  • DaringDesertDiaries
  • NomadicNoshAdventures
  • WanderlustChronicles

4 — Secure Your Domain Name and Hosting

When you’re creating your first website, there are two crucial things you need to understand: domain and hosting. They are occasionally marketed in pairs, but they are significantly distinct. All you need to know is that you need it for your site to exist. In easy words:

  • Domain: is the URL of your website. It’s like the name of your blog with a “.com” or “.net” at the end. For example, our domain name is But what is to be mindful of here is that you must pay a yearly fee to claim this address.
  • Hosting: This is like renting space on the internet where your website lives. Obviously, you need both!

Learn → How much a domain name costs.

Choosing a Domain Registrar

Finding the best one can be challenging while searching for and selecting a domain registrar, with numerous options available. Consider these factors to ease the process.

  • Check if they have the specific domain name you want.
  • Look for transparent pricing without hidden fees.
  • Ensure there are reasonable or no transfer fees after 60 days.
  • Ensure they give you a grace period for expired domains.
  • Prioritize registrars with strong security to protect your domain.

Sign Up for Hosting

Once you’ve got your website name, the next thing is to pick a hosting provider. As website design professionals, we suggest watching for these features when you’re getting hosting.

  • Find a host with good security features like free SSL certificates and protection against cyber-attacks.
  • Choose a provider with advanced technology for a fast-loading website.
  • Go for providers with a 99.9% uptime to ensure your blog is always available.
  • Look for 24/7 customer support for any issues you might face.

Here’s to → How much hosting costs.

HNK’s Pick?

Our Recommendation for both domain registrar and hosting provider is BlueHost. We are a fan of it. It truly stands out as a top choice for new travel blogs. Why?

  • It’s a dependable, easy-to-use web host with courteous customer support.
  • It is perfect for new travel blogs because it’s easy to set up in less than ten minutes.
  • It comes with a free domain name for a year.
  • Offer a simple, step-by-step registration process that guides you through the setup if you still need to begin.  
  • And the cost? Free domain name for the first year, followed by $15.99 from the next year. Meanwhile, plans for hosting range from $2.95 to $13.99 per month based on packages.

Learn → How to register your domain name and hosting with BlueHost here.

5 — Create Your Blog on WordPress

Now, let’s talk about getting your blog set up on WordPress. But what’s WordPress? Well, it’s a popular blogging platform that enables you to create and publish your blog. It’s like the best place to run your blog smoothly. But here’s the catch – there are two types: and We’re focusing on the second one.

So, Why Do We Recommend WordPress.Org?

It’s wise to make a strong base for your blog. Right? And this is what WordPress lets you do. Trust us; there’s so much you can do with this platform. Unlike those free tools and social media blogging platforms that limit your control over the content, provide limited monetization methods, and change their rules frequently, WordPress allows you to make money and grow your blog later without such big headaches. The features:

  • Versatility and Customization
  • Integrated Services such as mailing lists.
  • Enhances your website’s capabilities without complications.
  • Retains complete control over your content and website.
  • Monetization Opportunities.
  • Intuitive dashboard for easy content management.
  • Suitable for both beginners and experienced users.
  • An active and extensive community for troubleshooting and support
  • Built-in features for search engine optimization.
  • Helps improve visibility and ranking on search engines.
  • Handles increased traffic and content without performance issues.
  • Regular security updates to protect against vulnerabilities.

Ensures a positive, user-friendly experience across different screen sizes.

Warning: Avoid Squarespace or Wix, even if they sponsor every podcast or YouTube channel. They’re good for simple sites but terrible for a content-focused travel blog.

Setting Up WordPress

  • Sign up for hosting on Bluehost. Choose your WordPress password.
  • Log in to Bluehost using your credentials.
  • Find and click on “cPanel” in the hosting section.
  • Look for “Website” or “WordPress Tools” in cPanel. Click on “Install WordPress.”
  • Pick the domain where you want WordPress.
  • Fill in the info for your WordPress admin account.
  • Choose plugins or skip – your call.
  • Click “Install” to start the WordPress installation. It might take a few minutes.
  • Visit your domain in a web browser and log in with your installation credentials.

And voila! You’re now in the WordPress dashboard. Customize your site, add themes and plugins, and start creating excellent content. Easy peasy!

6 — Customize and Set a Theme

Let’s dive into the stage of customization and setting the perfect theme for your blog. A theme is like the outfit for your blog. Therefore, choosing a theme that vibes with your style and is easy to navigate is very important. As we are going with WordPress, you will witness over 50,000 themes and many ways to personalize your travel blog.

Suggested Reading → How much Do themes cost?

Elements to Consider When Choosing a Theme

Factors such as pricing, features, updates, uniqueness, code quality, and responsiveness are crucial when determining a theme. Opt for a theme with a responsive design to cater to the increasing number of mobile users. Additionally, prioritize a theme with high-quality code for faster page loading. Paid themes often offer more features, frequent updates, and dedicated support, enhancing the overall user experience. In contrast, free themes do offer fewer aesthetics and professionalism.

For more insights, read our blog-dedicated section → What to look for in a good theme?

Customization Hacks

After picking a pre-made design and theme for your blog that matches its style, here’s how to take your customization to the next level.

  • Personalize colors and fonts for a cohesive look.
  • Add a unique logo for brand identity by using design tools such as Canva or a platform like Etsy.

Hire our logo and website designing services today.

  • Integrate social media buttons for easy following.
  • Utilize widgets like recent posts and social feeds.
  • Use high-quality images and videos for visual appeal.
  • Maintain a consistent design across your blog.
  • Ensure easy navigation for readers.
  • Optimize for fast loading times.
  • Ensure accessibility for users with disabilities.
  • Update regularly to keep content fresh.
Looking for some of the best brand designing services for your blog? We will enhance the visual appeal of your site. Reach out to us, and let's get started.

Install WordPress Theme

The steps are simple.

  • Log in to WordPress.
  • Go to “Appearances”> “Themes.”
  • Click “Add New.”
  • Choose and download a theme.
  • Activate the installed theme.

Add Plugins

WordPress plugins provide extra features to improve functionality, similar to third-party apps for your travel blog. They come in both paid and free versions. You can easily download these from your WordPress Dashboard’s “plugin” section. Before stepping on how to download, here’s a list of some of the best ones.

KismetProtects against spam comments, enhancing the overall comment section experience.
Wordfence SecurityProtects websites from malware and cybercrime attacks with features like a firewall, malware scanner, and two-factor authentication.
Yoast SEOEssential for optimizing articles for Google search, integrating Google Sitemaps and Analytics.
SmushOptimizes, compresses, and lazy loads images, ensuring fast website performance, which is crucial for travel blogs with abundant visual content.
Easy Social Share ButtonsAdds visually appealing social media sharing buttons to your articles.
LiteSpeed CacheAll-in-one website acceleration plugin working at the server level to increase site speed, especially for LiteSpeed-based hosting users.
WP RocketCaching plugin to speed up your travel blog and enhance overall performance.
ImagifyAutomatically optimizes media library images for faster loading times.

Quick knowledge → How much do plugins cost?

How To Install WordPress Plugins

Here’s how to fix the plugins.

  • Log in to your WordPress dashboard and go to the “Plugins” section.
  • Click on “Add New” within the Plugins section.
  • Search for the desired plugin, click “Install Now,” and then “Activate” to enable the plugin.
  • For plugins from other sources, go to Plugins → Add New → Upload plugin, and upload the plugin file.
  • After activation, configure plugin settings if required.

Guide Note: Carefully choose plugins to avoid slow website speeds and negative impacts on user experience.

7 — Start Writing Content

So, your travel blog is all set up – thumbs up! Now, let’s chitchat about the real deal: creating content that keeps people hooked. Sure, your blog needs to look good, but the juicy stuff is what matters. Our digital marketing gurus stress the importance of a solid content strategy to start your content journey right.

What’s a content strategy? Watch out for what our experts say about building a content strategy and how.

Set up Your Crucial Pages First

Commence your travel blog journey by creating essential pages.

Homepage: Create a homepage that tells visitors about your travel blog’s focus to make a great first impression.

About Page: This page is super important. It lets people know who you are, your background, and why they should follow your travel adventures. Share your blog’s goals, values, and mission there.

Copyright Page: Let people know your work is yours and not to copy it.

Contact Page: Provide your details so travel companies can contact you for potential partnerships.

Privacy Page: Discover how you protect your reader’s information and ensure their online safety.

What’s Next?

Now it’s time to dive into creating content for your travel blog. Start by deciding on a topic, writing good content, and setting up a schedule for when you’ll publish. To pick the best topic, do thorough keyword research, using tools like Ahrefs to identify low-competition and long-tail keywords for better search engine rankings.

Stuck with keyword research process? Shoot an email to us now!

Guide Note: Once you get going, we advise that quality matters more than quantity. Aim to write fresh content at least once or twice weekly.

Content Types

Here are a few content ideas to help you write your first blog post.

Content TypesWriting Stuff
Family-Friendly DestinationsSuggest places suitable for families. Share your experiences and recommend spots that cater to kids and parents.
Historical ExplorationsExplore historical sites or museums. Write interesting facts and stories about the past to make history exciting for your readers.
Travel Journaling TipsEncourage readers to keep a travel journal. Provide easy tips on what to write, draw, or collect during their trips.
Day Trip AdventuresPlan one-day getaways and share your experiences. Recommend nearby places for a quick escape or weekend adventure.
Photography for BeginnersHelp beginners take better travel photos. Share easy tips on composition, lighting, and capturing memories with a camera or phone.
Budget-Friendly Travel TipsGive tips on getting ready for a trip, saving money, and finding affordable places to stay. Help others plan their adventures without breaking the bank.
Chat with Travel ExpertsTalk to people who love travel. Ask them questions about their adventures and list their stories in your e-blog.
Dream Travel Bucket ListMake a list of all the places you want to visit. Explain why each one is special. Encourage your readers to create their dream travel list.

Oh! Not Travelling?

No problem at all. Even if you can’t go on trips right now or don’t have much money for travel, there’s still a lot to write about on your travel blog. You can:

  • Take people on virtual adventures by exploring online tours and experiences.
  • Discover and share local spots or lesser-known places in your town.
  • Talk about yummy local food, share easy recipes, or interview local chefs.
  • Help your readers plan future trips with travel budgeting tips and advice.
  • Review travel books and movies to keep the travel spirit alive.
  • Connect with other travel enthusiasts through interviews.

And remember to dream about future travels by creating and sharing your travel bucket list. Your blog can inspire and be fun even when you’re not on the road.

Some Writing Hints

Here are some of the top blog writing techniques we recommend you comply with.

  • Determine topics aligning with popular Google searches.
  • Share your expertise or learn and share simultaneously.
  • Address common pain points and provide solutions.
  • Write easy language content that can be read by a ten- and 20-year-old person.
  • Cite credible sources for increased trust.
  • Create how-to guides for step-by-step assistance.
  • Identify gaps in content and offer unique perspectives.
  • Provide valuable insights and solutions to resonate with readers.
  • Break down complicated subjects for easy reader understanding.
  • Keep posts focused to enhance readability.
  • Enhance posts with visuals to make them more engaging.
  • Conduct simple keyword research and use tools to align content with popular searches.
  • Add helpful links to tools and resources for additional depth.
  • And the sweetest of all: just write without overanalyzing.

8 — SEO For Your Blog

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, and it’s all about making your website appear well on search engines like Google. Imagine the internet as a marketplace where attention is like money. If you want your website to be on the first page when someone searches on Google, you must learn and use SEO. This is important for travel blogs because most people plan their trips online. More than 85% of travel planning happens on the internet. That’s why SEO is crucial for your travel blog. Your goal is not just to inspire your readers but also to provide practical information. Right? Hence, optimizing your content ensures your website appears when people are actively looking for travel-related details.

If you are unsure about the SEO process or have little time, contact an SEO agency to lighten your load. If you need a holistic SEO solution covering local, technical, and SEO audit, partner with us for excellence to elevate your online presence.

Best SEO Practices

Here are some best practices to consider while optimizing your blog for search engines.

Keyword ResearchConduct thorough research on keywords and terms related to your travel destination or topic. Understand the language your audience uses.
Optimized ContentIncorporate chosen keywords strategically in the title, URL, and throughout the article, including the SEO meta description.
Internal LinkingImplement internal links within your blog and website to enhance user navigation and help search engines index and understand your content.
Image OptimizationInclude descriptive alt text on images to improve accessibility and provide search engines with additional context about your visual content.
Quality and ConsistencyDeliver high-quality, consistent content within your niche to establish credibility and attract a loyal audience.
Utilize SEO ToolsExplore various SEO tools to enhance your campaign. WordPress offers basic options, while additional tools provide insights and improvements.
Education ResourcesRefer to educational resources like Yoast’s Blog and Backlinks for an in-depth understanding and practical implementation of SEO basics.

The Results?

9 — Launch Your Blog

Now that your travel blog is running, it’s time to promote it. Yes, we’re talking about advertising and marketing.

Promotion Method

Here’s how to turn heads and make waves to get your blog the attention it deserves.

  • Share your travel blog on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest to reach a wider audience.
  • Collaborate with other travel enthusiasts and bloggers for cross-promotion.
  • Utilize relevant hashtags on platforms to increase visibility.
  • Engage with travel communities on Facebook and Reddit by sharing your blog posts.
  • Collect email subscribers and send them emails with your new blog posts. It’s like a direct line to your readers.
  • Consider running targeted Facebook or Instagram ads to reach specific demographics.
  • Encourage friends and family to share your blog with their networks.
  • Participate in online forums related to travel and include a link to your blog in your signature.
  • Offer exclusive content or discounts to your first subscribers to incentivize sign-ups.
  • Send out newsletters to your subscribers. Share unique content and keep them in the loop.

10 — Finally, Monetize!

So, you are evolving in the world of travel blogging – kudos! Now, let’s turn your passion into profit. Initially, your readership might be limited to friends and family, and that’s fine. We all start somewhere. However, expanding beyond your inner circle is crucial if you’re eyeing that dream of making money with your travel blog. Here are some money-making ways to build up your cash bank.

Suggested reading → Is blogging a profitable venture?

Monetization Strategies

The top best ones are as follows.

Sponsored PostsPartner with brands to create content related to their products or services. However, remember to disclose that the post is sponsored.
Affiliate MarketingEarn commissions by promoting other companies’ products through tracked links.
AdvertisingSell ad space on your blog. Platforms like Google AdSense, Mediavine, and Ezoic can help you display ads and generate revenue.
FreelanceExplore freelancing opportunities as a digital nomad, utilizing your skills to earn income while traveling.
Sell Photos and VideosMonetize your photography skills by selling images and videos online.
Premium ContentCreate valuable content that readers can pay for and offer exclusive information, guides, digital products, downloads, or eBooks for a fee.
DonationsAccept donations through platforms like Patreon, PayPal, Zelle, Venmo, or traditional methods like paper checks.
Workshops and CoursesShare your expertise through online courses or in-person workshops in exchange for payment.

But remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day. We suggest you don’t stress about cash at first; focus on building up your readership first. It might take a bit to see big bucks, but keep growing that audience, and you’ll get there.

And yes, while going through the process, avoid the pitfalls in your money-generating journey. Unaware of them? Read out here.

Wondering How Much Money Can You Make From A Travel Blog?

Making money from a travel blog is like going on a journey. Initially, you might not rake in big bucks, but it’s about growing your audience. Think of it as making new friends with incredible travel stories for your blog.

After about a year of sharing your adventures, you could pocket a few hundred or even a few thousand dollars monthly. But it’s unpredictable, and the actual amount depends on many factors. The more folks who love reading your travel tales, the more money you can make.

Suggested Reading → Key strategies for blogging success in 2024.

Ready to Start?

As we finish, think about this: Are you ready to make your love for travel into a successful blogging career? What extraordinary views and stories can you share? Recall travel blogging always has space for new voices and different experiences. Even though it’s a competitive field, the excitement of sharing unique stories worldwide is still as appealing as ever.

Bonus: Supercharge Your Blogging Success with HNK!

We’re not just here to guide you but to boost your blogging business. As your co-pilot to success, we have expert blog designing services waiting for you. Connect with us to:

  • Unlock insider secrets to elevate your blog.
  • Get local, technical, and SEO audits that can supercharge your earnings.
  • Receive personalized guidance tailored to your blog’s unique journey.

Ready to turn your passion into a thriving travel blog? Contact us now, and let’s make it happen!


How do you write a travel blog?

To make a travel blog, start with an exciting beginning, tell your stories and adventures, share valid details like costs and recommendations, put in some cool pictures, and finish with a summary.

Can you make money blogging?

Yes, you can make money from blogging, especially if you share helpful information that people want. Write about things people seek, and you can earn money through your blog.

Why are travel bloggers influential?

Travel bloggers are helpful because they share their own experiences and tips. This helps others plan their trips better. Their stories make travel feel actual and possible for more people.

What is the best travel blog?

The top-notch travel blog considers its readers by crafting engaging stories and using intelligent SEO strategies. It’s like a friendly guide, using clear language and appealing visuals, all while providing valuable travel advice tailored to its audience.

How do I post a blog for free?

You can post a blog for free using websites like Wix or Or, share your blog on social media like LinkedIn or Medium without paying for hosting.

What is the difference between a travel vlog and a blog?

A travel blog is like a story you write, and a travel vlog is like a video story. Both tell about adventures but in different ways – one with words, the other with videos.

How much does it cost to start a travel blog?

Starting a travel blog doesn’t cost a lot. You can use BlueHost for $2.95 per month for three years. This covers your blog’s home on the internet and gets you ready to share your travel stories.

Hyder Karim

About Hyder Karim

Hyder Karim, co-founder of Hyder and Kabani, is a seasoned content strategist with over five years of experience in the industry. Recognized for his meticulous attention to detail, Hyder has successfully empowered brands with his innovative SEO solutions. His expertise not only lies in ranking websites but also in creating a holistic marketing strategy. A dedicated professional and thought leader, Hyder is passionate about pushing the boundaries of SEO and ensuring the highest standards for Hyder and Kabani clientele.