How to Start a Music Blog — From Passion to Platform

Hyder Karim

Table of Contents


Have you ever been inspired by the legendary Miles Davis? That classic quote, ‘Don’t play what’s there; play what’s not there.’ Well, we’re turning this classiness into something extraordinary – your very own music blog!

Starting a blog is like creating a space where your musical soul can just vibe out. Not just by typing away but also by sharing the beats that make your heart race. And guess what? Some music bloggers are raking in more than $10,000 Per month. Wanna talk annually? Average of $125,000 bucks. That’s a whole lot of dollar bills just waiting for you. So why not give it a shot?

Whether you’re a die-hard music enthusiast, an aspiring musician, or even a music marketer, the world of music blogging awaits you.

Ready to make waves in the music blogging scene? Let’s hit the notes.

Starter Pick

Starting a blog for business, whether it’s about music, lifestyle, tech or any other takes some know-how and work. It’s not just about writing a couple of posts. You’ll need your website, a good-looking design that people like, tools to share your writing, music, or videos, and smart ways to promote your blog and make it noticeable.

Stick around till the finale of the guide to unlock all these valuable insights!

Suggested Reading → How to start a website in 3 easy steps.

Why You Should Start A Music Blog?

Starting a music blog can be an excellent idea for various reasons. You may love exploring and talking about new music, want to connect with fellow music lovers or aim to give emerging artists a chance to be noticed. You could also share your thoughts on concerts, music festivals, and how music influences different parts of our lives. A music blog is the way to go.

However, running a successful music blog goes beyond an affection for music. It involves a multifaceted approach that demands time, investment, effort, and a strategic mindset.

Here are a few reasons why you should opt for music blogging.

Share Knowledge and Insights

Suppose you have a deep understanding of music or a specific genre. In that case, a music blog offers a platform to share your knowledge and insights, educating and inspiring your readers through engaging content.

Portfolio Building

Starting a music blog provides a ready-made portfolio showcasing your creative work, whether original music, insightful content, or reviews. This platform positions you for potential roles in the music press, helping you stand out in a competitive industry.

Read → What is the future of blogging?

Kickstart Music Career

Becoming a music critic, journalist, or influencer through your blog opens doors to career opportunities. This includes access to events, potential income through advertising or sponsored content, and the chance to aid musicians in promoting their work, possibly launching the next big name in music.

Resume Enhancement

Your blog is a powerful tool to bolster your credentials in the music industry. It helps build a personal brand, potentially leading to internships, record label partnerships, or bookings at music festivals.

Build Music Community

Establishing a community around your blog brings fans, local artists, journalists, promoters, and more together. This central hub becomes a space to share your projects, collaborations, and plans, fostering a supportive network.

Earn Money

While passion fuels your music blog, it can also be a source of income. You can turn your love for music into a sustainable endeavor through advertising, affiliate marketing, and digital product sales.

Find out → Do people still read blogs?

Essential Factors to Tune into Before Starting Your Music Blog

Establishing a music blog can be a thrilling endeavor. But there are a few essential things to think about in order to improve your chances of success and build an audience-friendly blog.  Below is the breakdown of the must-haves before launching your music blog journey.

Discover Your Passion

Your enthusiasm is essential to consider before entering the music blogging field. Blogging becomes more fun when you write about the music you love and makes the required work easier, something you look forward to.

Set Your Blogging Intentions

Consider why you’re starting a music blog. Is it a personal hobby, or do you envision turning it into a source of income? Hobby entails doing this for fun and leisure time, and to make money means more intentional, regular posts. Differentiate and decide over the two, as knowing your goals will influence the material you create and the effort you wish to put in.

Content Strategy

Before launching your music blog, take a moment to craft a killer content outline. It helps you plan what to post and how and when. It ensures consistent and engaging content, attracts and retains readers, and boosts your blog’s success by giving it direction and purpose.

Bonus: Learn how to make one in the steps section.

Solo or Collaborate? Pick one!

Decide if you want to start as a one-person show or a teamwork with editors and writers. Working alone gives you complete control, while teamwork brings in fresh perspectives. Consider your goals and resources before making a choice.

Scope Matters

Choose the scope of your coverage. Will your music blog focus on local talent, regional scenes, national trends, or the global music landscape? The scope you pick influences your audience and potential revenue.

Think about what you will blog about

Define your blog’s niche by selecting specific genres and setting clear goals. Ask yourself who your target audience is and what makes your blog stand out. This step is where your uniqueness shines.

Adopt A Creativity And Consistency Strategy

To succeed in the world of music blogging, balance creativity with consistency. Craft engaging posts and set specific goals for the number of reviews and genre-related content each week. While consistency is crucial, remember that creativity and quality matter as much. Stay inspired by current trends and the time of year to keep your content fresh and relevant.

Learn → Key strategies of blogging success in 2024!

How To Start A Music Blog – The Detailed Steps

Ready to master? Let’s hit the play button and sail through the process of 10 easy steps together.

Learn → Is blogging worth it?

Pick A Music Niche

Starting a music blog is like embarking on a musical journey, and just like in music, finding your unique sound is crucial for success. What are we talking about? Choosing a blog niche.

Why does A Niche Matter?

Well, to grab your audience’s attention, it’s essential to pick a profitable niche. The supporting reasons? A niche:

  • Makes it easier for readers to find you and for search engines to rank your content.
  • Establish yourself as the go-to expert in that area.
  • Content ideas flow like music notes when you have a specific niche.
  • Builds an engaged audience because you’re speaking directly to their interests.

But! (And There’s Always A But!)

Our advice: The music world is HUGE, really massive. Trying to cover everything is like chasing a rainbow with no pot of gold. So, what we suggest is to narrow it down. Trust us. This gives your blog a spotlight in this vast musical universe.

Now, how do you narrow it? 

Being seasoned pros in content creation and having worked across various industries, we advise focusing on what you love and what you can bring value to. Consider your target audience: who they are and why they would jam to your site.

The result: you can make content that your audience finds interesting and helpful and speaks to their likes and worries.

Gain insights on → Will blogs still remain profitable in the future?

How To Choose Your Music Blog Niche?

It is very simple and straightforward. The table below demonstrates tips and ways to simplify your selection process.

HowWhatHNK Experts Tips
Identify Your Passions  What music sets your soul on fire? List it out.Test combinations and see what stands out. Be unique.
Research Popular GenresWhat’s hot in the music world? Find where the crowd is grooving.Check for gaps in coverage. Be the bridge where others haven’t still need to step.
Consider Your ExpertiseGot skills in music production, DJing, or something else? Use it.Expertise adds that extra flair. Be the guru.
Explore Underserved NichesFind the gaps in the market. Be the pioneer.  Being a trailblazer is cool. Be the trendsetter.
Think About Your AudienceWho’s your crowd? Tailor your niche to their vibe.  Connect with your audience. Be the friend they trust.
Follow Your Instincts  Go with your gut. What makes your heart sing?  Authenticity matters. Be true to yourself.

Types Of Music Blog Niches

Still struggling to figure out your niche? That may be relatable, given that various audiences have varying tastes. But don’t worry. Here, we have jotted down some ideas to consider.

Music Education BlogTeach instruments, form a band, and navigate the studio.
Genre-Specific BlogsDive deep into a particular music style, country, electronic, rap, you name it.
“Behind the Business” BlogExplore the industry – labels, managers, studios.
Live Music BlogShare the thrill of live shows and festivals.
Music TutorialsGuide passionate music lovers on their next adventure.
Music Production Techniques and Equipment ReviewsDive into the tech side and be the expert.
Artist Spotlight and ReviewsShowcase talents, share stories, and build a community.
Local Music Scene BlogPromote local artists, events, and venues.

However, remember there is no right or wrong way to choose a niche. Whatever niche you decide, make sure it fills a void not offered by other music bloggers to become the go-to place for those seeking information in your area of interest. This uniqueness will set your blog apart and attract a dedicated audience.

Select A Blogging Platform

It’s time for some technicalities! The first techy step in bringing your music blog to life is picking the right place to live online. We call this a “blogging platform.”

What’s A Blogging Platform, Anyway?

A blogging platform is like the toolbox for your blog. It gives you all the tools to create, publish, and manage your content. With many options, making a selection might be difficult, but there is no single “correct choice.” Some are free, like Squarespace or Wix, and some you must pay for. Some allow full customization, from selecting a unique domain name to choosing a web host and building a site from the ground up. On the other hand, others provide a more standardized platform environment.

Regardless of the features and specs, because you’re starting a music blog, our expertise suggests picking one that is easy to use, visually appealing, and can play audio and video successfully.

Free Platforms Vs. Paid Platforms – Which One Should You Choose?

When stepping into the blogging journey, many bloggers dive into the whole free blog platform thing because they’re free, right? But it’s not the right move. These free platforms seem tempting initially, but they come with severe drawbacks. Such as:

  • Stacking up with limited customization.
  • Fewer monetization opportunities.
  • Including their branding in your domain name, making your blog appear less professional.
  • Restrict SEO customization, impacting your blog’s visibility on search engines.
  • And the major one: the platform could change its rules, mess with its algorithm, and bam! You could find yourself losing a chunk of your traffic.

Hence, if you’re looking to really rock the blogging game and make some cash, avoid going for the cheapest option. Our professionals think: A little investment is worth more than cutting corners in the long run. We are not saying you can’t make money in the music scene without a website, but we highly wouldn’t recommend it.

What’s the solution, then? It’s simple: build your website and publish your blogs there. And when it comes to making money blogging, we always recommend opting for a paid hosting solution and using a content management system (CMS) like WordPress.Org.

Why WordPress.Org?

Choosing WordPress.Org for a website is like hitting the jackpot for several reasons. Such as:

  1. It’s simple to set up and use.
  2. Doesn’t cost much money.
  3. Helps your site appear in search engines.
  4. Offers responsive, mobile-friendly design.
  5. Keep itself up-to-date.
  6. Worldwide accessibility.
  7. Gives you freedom over monetization.
  8. Lots of ways to customize.
  9. No coding experience is needed.
  10. Your content belongs to you.
  11. Access to thousands of plugins.
  12. Easily share music and videos on your site.

Choose A Domain Name

The next step involves giving a name to your blog.

What Is A Domain Name?

A domain name (your website address) is a unique name for your blog. It has two parts:

  • The main name and
  • The ending, like “.com” or “.org.”

This name is important because it helps people find and remember your blog online. Therefore, before deciding on the domain name, take time out and answer questions such as:

  • What your blog is all about?
  • Who are your readers?
  • What is the central theme or focus of your blog content?
  • Are there any keywords or phrases related to your blog’s content that you want to incorporate into the domain name?
  • Have you considered the potential for future expansion or changes in your blog’s focus when selecting a domain name?

 Answering these questions will help you pick a name that really shows what your blog is about.

Our Two Cents: While making a selection, try to be imaginative, but remember that it’s usually preferable to keep the domain name of your music blog simple and short. To make it easier, brainstorm keywords related to your niche and choose three words or less for readers to remember.

Why Does Domain Name Matter?

Selecting a compelling and relevant domain name for your music blog is paramount. Here’s why:

  • The domain name is the blog’s gateway, providing a direct and easily accessible path for users to explore the content.
  • Establishes online identity and brand recognition.
  • Enhances credibility and professionalism.
  • Facilitates memorability and ease of access.
  • Affects search engine optimization (SEO) and discoverability.
  • Reflects the nature and purpose of the website.

Tips For Choosing A Domain Name

Here, we put forward some best practices to follow.

HNK Pro Tips
Opt for BrevityChoose a concise domain name for better memorability.
Stick to .com ExtensionPrefer the widely recognized and trusted “.com” domain extension.
Ensure Niche AlignmentMake sure your domain reflects your music blog’s specific focus.
Avoid Overly Specific NamesSteer clear of narrow domain names that limit your blog’s growth potential.
Allow Room for GrowthSelect a broad domain name to accommodate future expansion into different topics.
Prioritize Brandable and Short NamesAim for a memorable, brandable, and short domain name.
Think Outside the BoxEmploy creative approaches and variations to develop a domain name.
Consider Adding Extra WordsExplore combinations by adding words to your chosen name if needed.
Establish a ConceptDevelop a concept around your blog name to align with its purpose.
Leverage Name-Generating ToolsUse domain name-generating tools, e.g., blog name generator, for additional ideas and options.
Start with a Standard DomainInitially, opt for a standard domain; consider upgrades as your blog grows.

Examples Of Music Blog Names

Craving a name that’s not just a label but a vibrant expression of your essence. Below are a few fantastic domain names to get you started.

P.S.: You can choose any that appeals to your audience and niche 😊.


Register Your Domain Name and Web-Hosting

So, you’ve got many great ideas for your music blog’s name, right? Awesome! Next on the list is to secure that domain and find a hosting provider for your blog.

What’s A Hosting Provider, And Why Does Your Music Blog Need One?

A hosting provider serves as the fundamental backbone for your website, offering a platform for secure storage and accessibility on the internet. It’s a service that ensures your music blog is reliable and performs well when people access and scroll through it. Choosing a good hosting provider is vital for your blog to work well. They provide essential features, such as steadfast customer support, and offer plenty of space to store everything you want to share with competitive pricing.

Which Hosting Provider To Choose?

As you are done with the domain name, lock it down and head over to a domain registrar to see if your name is up for grabs. However, if it’s not there, you can pick any from the available ones. There are many registrars, but we recommend going with Bluehost for a smooth ride.

Why Bluehost?

You might think it’s web hosting, but you will be surprised to know it’s also a fantastic domain registrar. And the bonus: if you snag a hosting plan with them, they throw in a free domain name for the first year. A two-in-one deal! Here are a few fantastic Bluehost capabilities and features:

How do you register and purchase hosting and a domain name with Bluehost?

To get your blog up and running on Bluehost? Let’s do this step by step:

  1. Head over to Bluehost.
  2. Look for the “WordPress section or tab.
  3. Choose a plan. Bluehost offers various hosting plans. Select the plan that suits your needs (Basic, Plus, Choice Plus, or Pro). Since you are just starting up, go for the “Startup” plan at $2.95/month. It has 50GB of space, a free domain for a year, SSL, and a secure WordPress install.
  4. Pick a domain name. Since you have decided on the domain name, enter it in the “Use a domain you own” box. Or, if you need one, enter your desired domain name in the “Create a new domain” box and click “Next.”
  5. Next, fill in your account details – name, email, password, etc. You know the drill.
  6. Now, select your account plan and any additional options (e.g., domain privacy, site lock, code guard).
  7. The money part. Enter your payment details securely to complete the purchase.
  8. Agree to the terms. Confirm that you’re all in by agreeing to Bluehost’s terms and conditions.
  9. Time to create your account. Set up your Bluehost account with a suitable username and password.
  10. Now, log in with the details and enter the WordPress Zone through the WordPress admin panel.
  11. Finally, hit the “launch your site” button to ground your blog into the digital universe officially.

Hooray! You’ve successfully registered your domain and set up hosting on Bluehost.

How Much Does Domain Name And Web Hosting Cost?

Bluehost has a great deal on domain names – the first year is on the house, and then it’s $17.99 yearly. Just a heads up, keep that renewal in check to avoid any hiccups or sneaky domain snatchers.

Now, for hosting, Bluehost has options. Shared plans kick off at $2.95/month, dedicated plans range from $99.99 to $139.99/month, and if you’re into WordPress, plans range from $2.95 to $51.95/month. Indeed, they may not be the cheapest option, but they provide good value for your money.

Set a WordPress Theme

When selecting and customizing your music blog theme, it’s crucial to prioritize the user experience, ensuring easy navigation and readability for visitors. Since we are going with WordPress, you will witness a plethora of unique themes. The themes are categorized into free and premium ones, where premium ones offer more customization options.

How To Install A WordPress Theme?

Very simple. Here are simple steps.

  1. Log in to your WordPress account.
  2. Click on “Appearances” in the left-hand dashboard menu.
  3. Navigate to “Themes.”
  4. Choose “Add New” at the top of the page.
  5. Select a theme that aligns with your style and audience.
  6. Click “Download” to initiate the installation process.
  7. After installation, click “Activate” to apply the theme.

What To Look For In A Good Theme?

Here are a few key considerations to watch for.

  • Choose a theme that matches your blog’s focus.
  • Ensure the theme is mobile-friendly for a great reading experience on phones and tablets.
  • Select a customizable theme without requiring advanced technical skills.
  • Opt for a fast-loading theme to keep readers happy and improve Google visibility.
  • Look for themes with SEO compatibility to enhance search engine rankings.
  • Check if the theme supports popular plugins for additional features without causing issues.

Examples Of Some Good Themes

For music blogs, consider themes like:

  • Divi: Super flexible and great for any kind of blog. It is known for its intuitive drag-and-drop interface, offering customization options and responsive design.
  • With over 48,000 themes, provides a vast selection.
  • OceanWP: A lightweight and easy-to-change theme.
  • Astra: Stylish and quick, perfect for beginners. It integrates seamlessly with major page builders, making it an excellent choice for those focusing on prioritizing speed, performance, user experience, and SEO.

By going through these steps, you’re not just picking a theme; you’re giving your blog a style that fits you and your readers.

Get your answers on → Should I really start a blog in 2024?

Design Your Music Blog

When discussing design after settling on a theme, it’s all about those standout elements like your color scheme. These aren’t just for your satisfaction; they significantly influence how your audience perceives your blog.

Colors set the vibe and personality of your space. At the same time, the logo takes center stage, showing up on your social platforms and wherever else you advertise your site. So, making them catchy is a big deal.

Not creative? Hire our logo-designing today!

Designing And Branding Tips For Your Music Blog

As in-house web design and branding experts, we offer brief insights on crafting your blog below.

Design PrinciplesBranding Tips
Pick lively colors that match your music theme and brand.Make a unique logo for your music blog that looks good in all sizes.
Use readable fonts with a mix of big and small sizes.Come up with a short and catchy tagline that shows what your blog is about.
Add good-quality pictures showing different music styles.Use the same look and feel on social media, emails, and promotions.
Keep your layout tidy and organized, like a grid.Share content like artist interviews and album reviews that match your blog’s style.
Make it easy to use, with clear buttons and links.Be the same on social media, using the same pictures, words, and tone.
Make sure it works well on phones and computers. 

Looking for assistance with website branding and design? Connect with us now for a seamless and stylish transformation!

Create Essential Pages

Remember the crucial pages now that your blog has a name and hosting and is in shape. Focus on setting up essential pages such as about us, privacy policy and contact page. These pages on your music blog tell readers about you, add a personal touch, and enhance user experience. You might have a slight background to what to add; here’s a quick recap so that you get everything.


Your blog’s first impression. Make it visually appealing and give visitors a taste of what your blog is all about.

About Us

Share your story and why you adore music, giving readers a glimpse of the personality behind the blog.

Contact Page

Provide precise contact info, social media links, and a user-friendly form. Open the door for inquiries from event organizers, labels, collaborators, and fellow music enthusiasts.

Privacy Policy

Clearly explain how you handle reader information, ensuring transparency about collection, usage, and security measures. These pages might not need frequent updates, but they are vital in establishing a welcoming and trustworthy space for your readers.

Create and Publish Content

Now, it’s the fun part – writing for your new website! Your blog’s success depends on what you write, when, and how you write it. But before you start, let’s not rush. You need a plan. This plan is called a content strategy, and it’s crucial for a good blog.

How To Build A Content Strategy?

Let’s find out.

How To Write Content?

Below are the steps to follow while sitting up to draft your content.

Generate IdeasLet your mind wander and write down many ideas. Use tools like Ahrefs to organize and pick the best ones for your topic.
Plan Your PostBefore writing, create a plan like a map for your readers. Look at how others organize similar topics to guide your headings.
Create Catchy TitlesMake your blog titles enjoyable with exciting words and relevant keywords. Titles should make people curious and eager to read more.
Reader-Friendly StyleMake your blog easy to read with short paragraphs, bullet points, and catchy subheadings. However, avoid a big, boring block of text.
Optimal Post LengthFind the right size for your blog posts. Aim for 1,000 to 2,000 words to balance information and engagement.
Edit and ImproveTake a break before publishing. Fix mistakes and ensure everything makes sense. Your goal is to provide good content without confusing your readers.
Stay ConsistentFinally, stick to a time plan for posting regularly, whether daily, weekly, or monthly. This helps your readers know when to expect new content, building a dependable relationship with them.

Top-Tier Practices For Content Creation

Remember these tips while developing your content strategy and progressing through the steps.

  • Stick to one main idea in each post so readers know what to expect and find the information they want.
  • Link to your related articles to help readers explore a topic more and boost your blog’s visibility on search engines.
  • Share personal stories to make your blog more interesting and show your unique perspective on music.
  • Ask readers questions to get them involved, and consider adding a comments section to let them share their thoughts.
  • Plan before writing to stay focused and organized.
  • Make your writing easy to understand by using simple words and straightforward sentences
  • Be genuine and authentic in your writing to build trust with your audience.

Optimize Your Blog For Search Engines (SEO)

Creating and writing blogs is fantastic, but ensuring people can find your valuable info is crucial. That’s where optimizing your blog comes in.

What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?

SEO is a magic trick to make your music blog easy to find online. It’s all about making your site show up higher in search results. Just like developing a content strategy, marketing strategy, and picking a niche, it is a critical factor in your blog’s and website’s visibility.

Optimization Methods

To enhance the search engine optimization (SEO) of your blog posts, concentrate on the following key aspects:

Optimization Tactics
Integrate keywords naturallyImprove visibility on search engines by seamlessly incorporating relevant keywords into your blog content.
User intentEnsure your content aligns with what users are searching for, enhancing its relevance and appeal.
Use on-page optimization techniques.Employ strategies like meta descriptions and alt text to enhance the on-page elements for better search engine ranking.
Connect your content Strengthen your content’s credibility by linking to relevant internal pages and reputable external sources.
Structure your contentOrganize your content with header tags to make it more reader-friendly and help search engines understand its structure.
Add descriptive imagesEnhance accessibility and SEO by providing detailed alt text for images, making them more search engine-friendly.
Use Topic ClustersCreate pillar topics and cluster content around specific keywords to improve interlinking and establish website authority.
Utilize SEO ToolsLeverage tools like Yoast and SEMrush to analyze and enhance your SEO efforts, gaining valuable insights and recommendations.

Is it too overwhelming? No worries, let HNK handle it! Opt for our SEO services.

From mastering Local to Technical SEO featured with effective Keyword Research, we’ve got the knack for making your blog incredibly search engine-friendly.

Promote Your Blog

It’s time to get the word out about your music blog. Now that it’s all setup and live, it’s time to tell the world. Yes, we are talking about marketing your blog.

Promoting is highly important; nobody would ever know that you exist, and you won’t be able to gain organic traffic. Hence, spreading the word to get noticed, get more readers, and be known in the music scene is essential.

Explore some of the best and most effective ways of advertising your blog.

BONUS: Promotional Strategies to Bring in More TRAFFIC!

Social Media Marketing

Flaunt your content on personal social media accounts. Connect with like-minded blogs and potential readers.

Engage in Music Communities

Engage in online music forums where music enthusiasts hang out. Drop comments, invite readers, and make your blog known.

Optimize for SEO

As we just discussed, boost your blog’s visibility on search engines. Make each post Google-friendly to attract more readers.

Tell your F&F

Kick-off by sharing your blog with loved ones. Ask them to support and spread the word within their circles.

Email Marketing

Build a subscriber list and shoot emails with blog updates. Keep your audience hooked and coming back for more.

Guest Blogging

Team up with other blogs for guest posts. Reach new audiences and build valuable connections in the process.

Partnership with Creators

Collaborate with photographers, videographers, and influencers.

Monetize Your Music Blog

Okay! So, you’ve taken the plunge and started your music blog, and it’s more than just a passion project – you’re eyeing that sweet income. Yes? Obviously, you want your beats not only to hit hard but also hit the wallet, and that’s great. Hence, to transform your blog into a revenue-generating machine, you must implement various strategies to engage your audience and capitalize on your expertise. But how do you monetize? Here are a few monetization models to take advantage of.

Top 3 Monetization Strategies:


One common way to make money with your music blog is through advertising. You can join ad networks like AdThrive or Mediavine or directly connect with sponsors. By incorporating banner ads, sidebar ads, or pop-ups, you can earn income based on the engagement of your blog visitors.

Here is a detailed guide on How to monetize with advertisements.

Affiliate Marketing

Another effective strategy is affiliate marketing. We love it and recommend it to all our bloggers. This wallet-filling strategy helps bloggers earn money by promoting products or services through special blog links. When readers click on these links and make a purchase, the blogger earns a commission. It’s a simple and reliable way to monetize a music blog by turning recommendations into income.

Get an in-depth analysis → How do you monetize with affiliate marketing?

The third best way is to consider writing sponsored posts showcasing products or services from external sponsors. This method involves being paid to write blog posts with the sponsor’s product or service highlighted. It’s a consistent way to generate income, and you can choose whether to handle these opportunities yourself or have others represent your brand.

Secondary Monetization Options:

Events and Live Shows

Connect with your audience by hosting in-person events or live shows. While this can be a great way to interact with your followers, it’s crucial to consider costs like space rental and potential profits from ticket sales.

Merchandise Sales

Offer branded merchandise, such as t-shirts or stickers, to show fans their passion for music. Also, explore selling digital products like online music tutorials or ebooks. If you have in-depth knowledge of the music business, consider offering services like coaching or consultancy.

Learn → How to monetize with digital products.

Premium Content

Offer exclusive online music courses packed with tutorials and resources. Share detailed guides on music production, brand building, and fan engagement with your subscribers and boost earnings by adding fun challenges that make your premium content even more valuable.

Don’t forget to swipe our guide to learn → Things to avoid during monetization.


Congratulations on reaching the end of our comprehensive guide on how to start a music blog. Now that you’re equipped with all the knowledge and tools to kickstart your musical haven, the next step is yours.

Need a hand? Contact us now! From lifestyle bloggers to beauty lovers, we’ve been privileged to witness the success stories of bloggers who dared to dream big. Join the ranks of those who have transformed their online presence with HNK’s expertise. Your success story could be the next one we proudly showcase!


Do people read music blogs?

The audience for music blogs is undoubtedly broad, consisting of industry experts, music enthusiasts, aspiring musicians, and people looking for fresh music recommendations.

Do small blogs generate income?

Yes, of course. With constant work and high-quality content, small blogs can generate revenue through sponsored articles, affiliate marketing, advertising, and other monetization techniques.

Can I create a music blog if I’m not a musician?

Of surely! Being a musician is not as necessary to start a successful music blog as having a genuine interest in sharing and discussing music and having a strong passion for it.

Should my blog concentrate on a particular kind of music?

Selecting a particular genre can assist in establishing expertise and addressing a niche market. However, it still relies on your goals and the kind of people you want to connect with.

Which tone is best for blogging?

For blogging about music, use a friendly and easygoing tone that mixes professionalism with a personal touch. This makes your blog approachable and relatable to readers.

Hyder Karim

About Hyder Karim

Hyder Karim, co-founder of Hyder and Kabani, is a seasoned content strategist with over five years of experience in the industry. Recognized for his meticulous attention to detail, Hyder has successfully empowered brands with his innovative SEO solutions. His expertise not only lies in ranking websites but also in creating a holistic marketing strategy. A dedicated professional and thought leader, Hyder is passionate about pushing the boundaries of SEO and ensuring the highest standards for Hyder and Kabani clientele.