The Real Talk on Blogging: Is It Worth It?

Hyder Karim

Table of Contents


Is it still worthwhile to start a blog in the passing year and the coming year, 2024? Do people still read them? And are they hitting bloggers’ banks with some good cash flows?

The short answer is YES!

However, it has brought about numerous changes. Still, blogging can be a profitable online business in 2024 and beyond. But (and a strong but!) if you want to secure your future, you should treat blogging as a serious business rather than a pastime, ensuring your blog is a skills-based website. Simply to make it work:

  • Adapt to changes in how consumers look for answers
  • consume, and
  • interact with online material.

For a more detailed answer to your queries, read the BLOG till the end. To give you better factual and practical answers, we’ll delve into a few frequently asked questions about the worthiness of blogging. From the evolution of blogging to its current relevance, we’ll further look at its future profitability while offering advice on establishing a blog in 2024.

Key Takeaways

Blogging in 2024Profitable and relevant as a serious business, not just a hobby.
EvolutionBlogging has evolved into a key digital marketing tool, with increased effectiveness noted in 2023.
Business BenefitsDrives traffic, enhances Google rankings, and builds brand authority.
ProfitabilityPotential for high earnings through various monetization methods like ads and affiliate marketing.
EngagementBlogs remain popular for their depth and trustworthiness, with platforms like WordPress drawing millions of readers.
Future TrendsEmphasis on diverse content formats (e.g., podcasts, vlogs), AI assistance, and strategic social media use.
Starting a BlogFocus on niche topics, quality content, keyword research, and monetization strategies.
Blogging vs. Social MediaProvides long-term impact and control, essential for business growth despite the rise of social media.
ChallengesRequires adapting to changes such as prioritizing quality and integrating multimedia.
OpportunitiesOffers significant personal and professional growth, with proper strategy and dedication.

Evolution of Blogging

A decade back, blogging emerged, covering everything from politics to travel and tech. It was a digital companion, always ready with helpful advice and insights. Cleverly, savvy marketers quickly caught on, realizing blogging’s potential for businesses, boosting search rankings, engaging with an eager audience, and showcasing expertise.

Fast forward to today. Blogging is still the go-to move, but it’s evolved since its early days. A recent 2023 study by Data Box spilled the tea, stating that 68% of marketers say blogging is even more effective than just two years ago. It is still the star in the digital marketing world, giving businesses a chance to shine in the crowded online world. It’s not just surviving; it’s thriving, providing a lively space for companies to strut their stuff and connect with their audience in this ever-changing digital landscape.

According to Semrush, blogs continue to be a preferred content format, with 55% of content marketers favoring both short-form articles and long-form blog posts.

What is the purpose of Blogging for Businesses?

Now, what’s the reason one must consider blogging for their business?

Well, blogging for your business is like peeking into your customers’ minds and addressing their questions. Think of it as a traffic magnet where keywords draw people in, boosting your visibility on search engines. What else do you need, man?

It adds flair to your brand’s website, making it more interesting. Moreover, beyond showcasing your products, it provides a space to familiarize users with industry-related topics. However, it’s not just about grabbing attention and selling; it’s about building a connection, sharing knowledge, and creating a dynamic online space that keeps visitors returning for more.

Here are the rationales why you must have a blog for your business:

Make Money

Very first! Starting a blog is most profitable if you have a side business and want to earn some handful of $ dollars $. With it, you can share your expertise, reach a global audience, and monetize through various channels such as ads, affiliate marketing, and product sales, making your business booming.

Do you want to know how to monetize your blog? Check out our blog post “How to Monetize Content.”

Millennial Money’s finance site reveals that business bloggers can rake in over $100,000 annually after two years, with an initial monthly income ranging from $500 to $2,000 within the first year.

Drive Traffic

Let’s start with the second basics. Setting up blogs is like putting out a welcome sign for your website. Having it isn’t just a luxury; it’s necessary for any business aiming to blossom in the digital epoch. It’s the key to catching online traffic and entertaining your audience with valuable, problem-solving content.

According to HubSpot Marketing, businesses with blogs score 55% more website visitors.

Thought Leadership

Blogging provides a platform for businesses to showcase their industry knowledge and expertise. By sharing insights, trends, and thought-provoking content, you can position yourself as a thought leader in the industry.

82% of customers feel more optimistic about a brand after engaging with its content.

Appearing higher in Google Search Engines

Your business should start blogging because it helps you get noticed online. Think about when you have a question – usually, you’d type it into Google and click on one of the first links. The higher your blog ranks, the more likely people will visit it. This means more visitors, which could lead to more people buying your stuff.

Being at the top in Google searches also helps more people know about your brand. If your business consistently shows up when people search for things related to what you offer, they’ll remember your name better.

On average, websites with active blogs have 434% more indexed pages, contributing to improved search engine rankings.

Demonstrate Product and Service Value

Beyond traditional advertising, a blog allows you to showcase your products or services’ practical benefits and applications. By using real-life examples, case studies, and success stories to demonstrate value, you can lead potential customers to understand how your offerings can meet their needs.

Blogging companies receive 97% more website links, indicating industry recognition and relevance.

Lead Generation

Blogs are worthwhile tools for lead generation. By including calls-to-action (CTAs) within blog posts, such as inviting readers to download an ebook, subscribe to a newsletter, or request more information, you (businesses) can capture leads and nurture them through the sales funnel.

Foster Connections

Blogging transforms businesses, adding a personal touch that connects with customers. Where companies can seem impersonal, a blog is a powerful tool to humanize the brand, fostering warmth and building a deeper connection with the audience.

Businesses with active blogs experience 126% higher lead growth than those without.

Build Trust

Trust is a cornerstone for customer loyalty and advocacy. Consistent blogging contributes significantly to your brand’s credibility. When customers see a well-maintained blog with valuable content, this enhances the brand’s credibility and attracts a loyal following.

Is it too late to start Blogging?

Absolutely not! Jumping into the blogging world and making a real impact is something you can do anytime. People might say specific topics are overdone, but the trick is to pick something you genuinely love. New bloggers are proving this every day, with some earning $1,000 to $2,000 monthly. The key? Smart niche choices, blogging with purpose, and using proper strategies.

Even in crowded spaces, success is possible with the right approach. Forget writing tons of blogs for cash; focus on creating great content. It’s not about quantity but about thoughtful, devoted blogging. So, if you have been thinking about it, now is the TIME!

But if you are still wondering…

do people read blogs anymore

Do people still read Blogs?

Definitely! Blogging is still kicking and attracting a massive crowd. We’re talking billions of people here. About 60 percent of internet users habitually read blogs more than once a week. They stumble upon these gold mines through social media, emails, forums, etc. alone draws in 409 million readers, generating over 20 billion monthly views.

Let’s say you’ve got a problem. You hit up a search engine, throw in some keywords, and boom, where do you land? More often, it’s on a blog post. That is the fact, folks. Every day, there are about 5.6 billion Google searches, and a whopping 94 percent of them end up clicking on organic results, which are primarily blogs. And guess what? Considering how glued we are to search engines in our daily lives, this trend is locked in.

WordPress sees around 70 million new posts and an impressive 77 million comments on these posts monthly.

Now, let’s talk sheer numbers:

  • There are over 1.9 billion websites, an astounding 600 million of which are blogs.
  • 77 percent of internet users are on the daily blog-reading grind. Interestingly, even with a sea of paid ads, 70-80 percent of Google searchers skip the ads and head straight for blog posts.
  • And get this: Google’s search volume is growing by 10 percent annually.

So, bottom line: Blogging is alive, thriving, and still a big deal.

Is Blogging worth it?

Many people who are interested in starting a blog or are stuck trying to build their blog pose this question and wonder if it is still feasible to be successful these days. The notion that blogging is on its deathbed is simply false. Blogs are still alive and well, and plenty of opportunities exist to benefit from them. So, does this mean blogging on life support? Clearly not! It’s all about the game plan. Bloggers with killer strategies are pulling in serious cash.

The Blogging Income Survey 2023 spills the beans, showing that in the top league with 500,000+ monthly pageviews, bloggers are raking in an average of $17,000 a month. Ads, affiliate marketing, and digital products are the big guns in this money-making game.

In short, blogging isn’t dead, but blogging without a transparent, practical approach is!

If you want to start a blog today or grow an existing one in 2024, you should know a few things. Continue reading further below.

Will Blogs die in 2024?

Is blogging still worth your time in 2024? YES! With 600 million blogs out there among 1.8 billion websites, it’s safe to say that the blogging business is still going strong. And the good news is that despite social media taking up a big chunk of our online lives, blogs still hold more weight. People are out here, reading blogs, and the potential is enormous for anyone considering starting one this year.

But it’s not as easy as it used to be. No more “build it, and they will come” days. Adapting to changes is the name of the game. So, here we share some outdated practices you should head clear of:

Blogging for Anything and Everything

Trying to cover every niche extensively is no longer practical. Narrow down your focus to avoid competing with well-established websites.

Quantity over Quality

Writing truckloads of posts to gain traffic is outdated. Try to concentrate on creating high-quality, valuable content instead.

Shorter Articles

To make money with your blog, skip short, meaningless posts. Instead, focus on one topic and cover it thoroughly. Share every helpful detail to contribute to the blogging community. This approach ensures lasting success.

Click-bait Headlines

They used to be helpful for some time. But search engines like Google are now getting more intelligent. Relying on click-bait headlines to boost traffic will likely backfire as user experience becomes a priority.

Publishing Daily

Publishing every single day is a long-gone blogging strategy. Most people believe that publishing many articles on their website would increase visitors. However, Google ranks only those pages that are relevant and useful to users. It makes no difference how many articles you post. What is important is the quality of your content.

Personal Blogging

Solely relying on private or entertainment content is less viable. With social media and video platforms dominating this space, diversify your content to stay relevant.

Text-only Blogs

Multimedia is the way forward. Incorporating text makes people dull. Adding videos, podcasts, and infographics to your content can aid in gaining organic traffic.

Attracting Random Visitors

Attempting to generate many articles on irrelevant themes to increase traffic will not assist you in building a profitable blog. In fact, it will kill your blog because of a high bounce rate and little dwell time.

Using Free Platforms

Free platforms like BlogSpot or Tumblr often struggle to achieve first-page Google rankings due to limited customization and SEO options. Hence, for optimal blogging results, invest in a self-hosted WordPress platform. Though costly, the investment provides customization, total control, and search engine optimization, proving invaluable for a successful blog or website.

are blogs still profitable

Will Blogging still remain profitable in the future?

The profitability of blogging is promising for those willing to commit. That is the key to yielding remarkable results is sustained dedication and passion.

During their initial year, bloggers typically earn between $500 to $2,500 per month.

However, it is also worth mentioning that success isn’t guaranteed for everyone. A ProBlogger survey highlights that:

37 percent of bloggers make over $100 monthly, with only 13% surpassing $1,000 monthly.

Looking over some success stories:

how much is my blog worth

Tireless bloggers like Matthew Kepnes and Michelle Schroeder-Gardner have achieved substantial financial milestones. Kepnes once raked in an impressive $750,000 yearly, and Schroeder-Gardner consistently earned $100,000 monthly. Huge? Right? The numbers are enormous, and their success underscores the potential of committed blogging when coupled with effective monetization strategies.

So, is blogging still worthwhile? Watch out below!

Blogging Today: Still Relevant or Outdated?

So, if you are still questioning if blogging is still worth the time in a world of viral videos and snappy social posts, let’s cut to the chase. The answer is still the same: Yes, it is, and here’s why:

Why Blogging Still Matters:

Control Your Destiny

Unlike social media, your blog is your turf. No sudden shutdowns or algorithm dramas. You own it all.

Long-Term Impact

Blogs aren’t here today; gone tomorrow. They offer lasting, in-depth content that truly grips your audience.

Business Boom

Sure, personal blogs might be less common, but for businesses, it’s a different story. Effective blogging strategies are still money-makers.

So, what about those social media platforms? Have they replaced blogging? Is choosing blogs over social media a good idea?

While some argue that traditional blogging has been overshadowed by content creation on platforms such as Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook, a closer examination reveals that bloggers can use these platforms to help their businesses flourish.

Secondly, ownership matters. Social media spaces can vanish and spoil your content. With a blog, you’re the boss. No surprises. Thirdly, unlike social media, blogs dive deep. They offer more than just a snapshot; they provide a journey, building a genuine affinity with your audience. Thus, blogging is here to stay; no matter how many new platforms come up, bloggers will find ways to use them.

Facts About Blogging in 2023

Now, let’s back this up with some hard-hitting stats:

  • 80% of internet users engage with blogs. People are reading, sharing, and talking about blog content.
  • 39% of internet users are occasional readers and visit blogs more than three times a week. Ahh! Blogs are far from forgotten.
  • Blogs are the 5th most trustworthy source online. People trust blogs more than they do social media platforms.
  • Here’s the clincher. Blogs influence decisions and drive action. 61% of consumers buy something after reading about it on a blog.
  • The number of blogs online jumped by 10 million from 2014 to 2020.

Oh, Folks! Blogging isn’t slowing down; it’s picking up steam. It isn’t just holding its ground; it’s flourishing. Though It demands devotion, the personal and professional returns are worth it. It’s not just a journey; it’s a wise investment in your digital existence.

Cleared up? Now learn…

What is the future of Blogging?

Thereupon, what is the future of blogging? What lies ahead? Well, it’s all about shaking things up and keeping it real. Imagine blogs beyond words – podcasts, vlogs, and even virtual reality experiences. Almost too good to believe? That’s the future of content right there, my dear!

Let’s explore the changes you need to be aware of to improve your blogging game in 2024 and into the future.

Varied Content Formats

Move beyond the written word. As said, dig podcasts, vlogs, and virtual reality to transform your blog into a multimedia experience.

Tailored User Experiences

Let AI understand your audience. Craft personalized content, making each reader feel like your blog was created just for them.

Microblogging and Specialized Communities

Step into niche communities and embrace microblogs. Forge quality connections with like-minded individuals for a more intimate digital experience.

Tumblr boasts 518 million blogs, while WordPress leads with over 60 million blogs,
commanding 43.2% of the internet.

Genuine and Transparent Contact

In a world craving authenticity, prioritize honesty, transparency, and ethical practices to build trust in the crowded blogosphere.

AI-powered Writing Assistance

Embrace AI writing assistants as your blog’s creative ally. Enhance productivity, receive suggestions, and write compelling content faster.

Strategic Blogging Goals

Move beyond aimless content. Define your blog’s purpose, inform, entertain, persuade, and set clear objectives for efficient content creation.

The global content marketing industry is anticipated to grow by a staggering $584.02 billion from 2023 to 2027, signaling a significant expansion in this field.

Effective Social Media Utilization

Extend beyond search results. Share your blog on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or LinkedIn to connect with diverse audiences.

Engaging Visual and Video Content

Ditch text overload. Embrace visuals, videos, images, and infographics using affordable tools for an engaging and accessible blog.

Smart Content Remodeling

Maximize value by repurposing successful blog posts into various formats, catering to myriad audience preferences and platforms.

User-focused Blog Optimization

Concentrate on designing a seamless user experience. Optimize your blog for easy navigation, quick loading, and visual appeal to keep readers engaged and boost SEO.

Should I start a Blog in 2024? How do I do it?

Diving into blogging in 2024 is a prime opportunity for those eager to turn their passion into a successful career. Though the landscape has evolved, the potential for success remains high. Here’s a brief overview of how to launch your blog:

Decide what you want to Blog about

Pick a topic you’re passionate about and possess expertise in, such as anything you like to read or do in your free time. Or opt for something that addresses a common need or interest, ensuring long-term engagement, such as how to gain weight, save money, and look good, and the ongoing list is there.

Research your Niche

Immerse yourself in blogs within your chosen niche. Understand the nuances of writing style, content structure, and the use of graphics to tailor your approach.

Craft a Blog Name

Your blog’s name is its identity. Whether you select a personal, keyword-driven, or creatively coined, ensure it’s unforgettable, concise, and aligns with your brand.

Plan the Blog’s Structural Framework

Think about how you’ll organize content before creating it. Remember, readers and search engines appreciate a well-structured blog. Hence, consider breaking down your main topic into logical categories.

Pick the Right Blogging Platform

Some people prefer to use existing platforms that already provide you with access to a large audience, but others want to establish their website over which they have complete control. If you prefer the last option, use Wix, Squarespace, or WordPress to help set up your blog.

Prioritize Quality Content

Create high-quality, comprehensive posts rather than swirling numerous articles. Aim to educate and empower your audience, encouraging them to take meaningful actions.

Conduct Comprehensive Keyword Research

Develop a diverse keyword list. Stay agile by adapting to evolving trends and ensuring your content aligns with popular search queries.

Cash in some tips Include:

  • Both long-tail and short-tail keywords
  • query-like keywords for voice search optimization
  • generic keywords for a broad reach
  • industry-specific keywords for targeted content
  • branded keywords to enhance brand visibility
  • specific relevant keywords related to your topics
  • Regularly update your keyword list to stay current.
  • Stay informed about trends for optimal keyword effectiveness.

Adopt an Omnichannel Approach

The sky is the limit. Extend your reach beyond the blog. Leverage platforms like Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and email to build a comprehensive online presence.

Build your Authority

Seek social proof through testimonials, comments, and user-generated content. Showcase the positive impact you’ve had on your audience to establish credibility.

Explore Monetization Avenues

Monetization options include ads (via Google AdSense), affiliate marketing, influencer marketing, and guest posting. By assessing your blog goals, choose the one that suits you the best.

Focus on Educational Content

Information-rich blogs are the life of search engine radar. Position your blog as a go-to source for in-depth tutorials and guides. Save casual and entertaining content for social media platforms.

Let go of the Negativity

Starting a blog can be exciting but demanding. You’ll feel happy connecting with readers, but it might get tiring if no one sees your work. Negative comments could stress you out, but learning from valid criticism is vital. Stay focused, improve your content, and ignore unfounded negativity. Over time, your blog can grow, making the journey worthwhile.

Key Strategies for Blogging Success in 2024

Niche FocusConcentrating on specific topics rather than a broad rangeAvoids competition with established sites
Content QualityCreating high-quality, valuable contentMore impactful than quantity for traffic and engagement
Diverse Content FormatsIncorporating podcasts, vlogs, etc., alongside traditional bloggingEnhances reader engagement and keeps content dynamic
SEO and Keyword ResearchUsing targeted and regularly updated keywordsImproves visibility and search engine rankings
Monetization MethodsUsing ads, affiliate marketing, product salesIncreases potential revenue streams
Social Media IntegrationSharing content across platforms like Facebook, InstagramExpands reach and audience engagement

Ready to Blog? Let’s Discuss!

Blogging is an excellent thing to do. It’s not too hard, but it takes a lot of time. Your blog might not immediately become super popular, but that’s okay. You can still make something valuable for yourself and your readers. Just remember, today is the best time to start.

Need help with your Content Strategy?

Hit us up. At Hyder And Kabani, we’ll help you reach your blogging goals and give your content the attention it deserves. So, let’s heighten your blogging approach together!

Hyder Karim

About Hyder Karim

Hyder Karim, co-founder of Hyder and Kabani, is a seasoned content strategist with over five years of experience in the industry. Recognized for his meticulous attention to detail, Hyder has successfully empowered brands with his innovative SEO solutions. His expertise not only lies in ranking websites but also in creating a holistic marketing strategy. A dedicated professional and thought leader, Hyder is passionate about pushing the boundaries of SEO and ensuring the highest standards for Hyder and Kabani clientele.